Orders must be placed by Sunday, December 15th for Delivery by Christmas.

Wigle Rhubarb Liqueur 750 ml


31% ABV | 62 Proof | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

A rose-hued liqueur made from an organic wheat and barley based spirit infused with rhubarb, lemon peel, ginger, vanilla bean, pink peppercorn and a touch of sugar. A bright, lively spirit loaded with vibrant flavor and personality. A great sipper or mixer.
About the Distillery:
Grain to Glass distillery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the most awarded Craft Whiskey Distillery in the US.

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SKU: b075703bbe07 Category: Tags: , , ,
A rose-hued liqueur made from an organic wheat and barley based spirit infused with rhubarb, lemon peel, ginger, vanilla bean, pink peppercorn and a touch of sugar. A bright, lively spirit loaded with vibrant flavor and personality. A great sipper or mixer.
About the Distillery:
Grain to Glass distillery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the most awarded Craft Whiskey Distillery in the US.

Grain to Glass distillery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the most awarded Craft Whiskey Distillery in the US.

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