Orders must be placed by Sunday, December 15th for Delivery by Christmas.

VING Vodka 750ml


40% ABV | 80 Proof | Los Angeles, CA

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VING VODKA is a new class of spirits: Ultra-Premium, Organic/Non-GMO, Free of Sugar and additives - 100% transparency with zero secret ingredients. Impeccably clean, ultra-premium, and award-winning, VING Vodka is made from farm-fresh organic/non-GMO corn. The flavor is exquisite with a gentle sweet touch and flawless finish. VING’s multiple filtrations, and distillation in our copper pot still, make our spirit extraordinarily silky smooth. Every small batch is gluten-free, and handmade with purified water, without sugar or additives. Los Angeles born and distilled in Ventura, CA. For mixing, or as a distinguished sipping experience, VING Vodka is the world’s cleanest vodka. WEBNC Certified, women-Owned, LGBTQI+, and minority operated.


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