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Route 101 Rye Whiskey 750ml


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Combining America’s finest rye whiskey with wine barrels from wineries which dot the majestic landscapes around the epic US Route 101 aka “The Royal Road”; we pull from the flavor left within the wine barrels and finish each batch custom to tasty perfection!  Each sip of Route 101 offers you a taste of history and your own little “getaway”!

Batch #001 was aged 3 years in new charred American oak barrels. It was then finished an additional 8 months in French oak barrels from Jigar Wines in Healdsburg, Sonoma, California.  These barrels were soaked in their Merlot (5 barrels) and Cabernet Sauvignon (4 barrels) and constantly checked for the perfect taste. The result is a complex concoction of beauty exuding notes of ripe plum, cherry, big oak, high spice and finishes with some marmalade and sweetness that lingers for a good 30 seconds. She truly is unique and sips great on her own. She make one of the best Old Fashioneds in the land!


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